March Roundup

I’ve never been so excited for a month to come to a close. I don’t think any of us can say that March 2020 will go down as a stellar month, but here’s to hoping there’s a rainbow at the end. Starting this month and going forward I’ll be doing a quick recap of what I’ve been up to, links I love, stories that inspired, and some of my favorite finds. Check out my list below for a few things to lift your spirits while you’re hunkered down at home.
MAKE: I’ve been cooking at home A LOT, and comfort eating of course. My favorite cookbook right now: Pure Dessert by Alice Medrich. The recipes are simple, but the flavors are incredible. If you have an ice cream maker I highly suggest the chocolate sorbet. So simple, yet so amazingly chocolatey. Exactly what the doctor ordered!
SUPPORT: Time to support our small businesses, am I right?! Beverly’s Bees is a small company here on the North Shore of Boston which I adore. They save bees through relocation services and tend hives around the Boston area, in addition to selling the most wonderful beeswax candles and delicious honey. We could all use some soft, soothing light right now, so I suggest you consider snagging a few candles for your dining table. Your purchase helps support a great cause!
FOLLOW: Need some happy news? Follow goodnews_movement on Instagram for your daily shot of happy. Even in times of despair, there are so many people doing amazing work and I find it helpful to have a daily reminder pop into my feed. If you just need some eye candy then check out Tin Can Studios. Ingrid’s feed is filled with the most stunning floral arrangements.
March’s Favorite Finds:

I hope you all are taking this time at home to reconnect with your loved ones and old friends (virtually of course!). This time can be a gift if we choose to embrace it as one. I wish you all health, happiness, and a relaxing Sunday at home!