Jun 19, 2021
Before and After: Open Concept Living and Dining
One of my biggest pet peeves is wasted square footage. We all spend time and money to not only own, but heat, power, and clean these...

Feb 6, 2021
Nursery Tour
Being the perfectionist that I am, I went back and forth about posting a nursery tour because it isn't "done" yet. Truth be told, I'm...

Dec 8, 2020
Holiday House Tour
For the first time since we moved into The Judkins House, we'll be home for the holidays. It's a bittersweet moment for sure, as we'll...

Nov 22, 2020
Before and After: A Bedroom Retreat
For those of you who have been following along on Instagram, you know that this summer we took on the Judkins House second-floor reno....

Oct 30, 2020
Nursery Design 101
With our second-floor renovation complete and Baby Judkins on the way, I've been working on pulling together all our nursery essentials....

Oct 15, 2020
Our New England Wedding
Today marks 3 years married to my partner in crime, Ryan. The last few years have been filled with the purchase of our first home (The...

Sep 17, 2020
DIY Fall Front Porch
It's my favorite time of year! Once Labor Day passes, I cannot wait to get my hands on some pumpkins for our front stoop. This year, I...

May 17, 2020
Before and After: Front Stoop Facelift
I woke up to snow the other day. Snow. In May. It’s not OK, but I’m not going to let it get me down! It is indeed spring, so today I want...

Apr 13, 2020
Before and After: Powder Room Redo
Anyone else washing their hands a hundred times a day now? Thought so! Have you been assessing the state of your bathroom and thinking...

Feb 23, 2020
Meet The Judkins House
If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you’ve probably seen some of #thejudkinshouse posts. We bought this 1840 home just north of...